2009年6月3日 星期三

feeling 0n this m0ment..

t0day went 0ut with my jimui--yann,cherry,ev0n
actually i'm in tired c0nditi0n,
at first i reject their date with the reas0n thats i'm s0 tired,
but lastly i decided t0 hang up with them,
maybe this is the lifestyle that i feel enj0yable,
hang up with my jimui and chit chatting,
is a g00d way to release all the stress thats i facing,
alth0ugh is tired but i satisfy 0n it~
c0llege life is s0 embarrased f0r me,
stay in a strange place,
face those strange pe0ple and als0 the strange environment,
i still cant c0mf0rt myself on it,
i prefer sec0ndary sch00l life rather than c0llge life,
is so satirize,
maybe sh0uld said that,
sec0ndary sch00l life 0r c0llege life is actually the same,
the main p0int is,
as l0ng as b0th 0f it related with study,
then is SUFFER f0r me,
i'm n0t a girl that like t0 study,
i'm n0t a clever 0r intelligent person,
actually i'm just a pers0n with0ut idea..
c0llege life is quite l0nely f0r me,
n0t s0,
s0metimes i feel that is this a right decisi0n f0r me,
0r i'm n0t suitable t0 inv0lved myself in this c0urse,
what's that,
maybe m0st 0f the pe0ple will think that c0unsell0r is just need t0 sit there,
0pen the m0uth and having conversati0n or evaluati0n with the client,
this is my first impressi0n 0n c0unsell0r,
but when i started c0me int0 c0ntact with it,
is n0t that simple that i thaught bef0re,
is a very c0mplicated c0urse,
just like human behavi0ur is very c0mplex,
h0pe that i can affr0nt all the difficult t0ughly and easily~
cherry is g0ing f0r ns next two weeks later,
3 m0nth she need t0 stay at sarawak,
h0pe things will c0me s0ftly and all right,
in my heart,
she is a very t0ugh and independent girl,
i w0uld like t0 wish her all the best~
