t0day c0unseling class start at 10:30am,
actually i'm quite c0nfused that did i really suitable t0 study this c0urse,
be a c0unsell0r 0r pshyc0l0gist need t0 kn0w well that what's my strengths and weaknesses,
but i d0nt really kn0w that what's my strengths,
finish my class at 12pm,
afterthat need t0 rush to an0ther l0cation to attend for IT class,
the class is 2h0ur lecture class,
such a b0ring class,
i felt asleep,
luckily 2h0ur is passing s0 fast,
b0ring time is reach,
break f0r 3 h0ur while waiting f0r next class t0 start,
at the very start i d0n't kn0w h0w sh0uld i spend that 3 h0ur,
but finally i hang up with my c0llege friend,
they is s0 funny and friendly,
actually t0day is the first time i chat with them,
they are nice guy,
afterthat when t0 canteen with them,
but m0st of them d0n't really prefer t0 having lunch at there,
lastly we decide t0 g0 genting klang,
but 6 pers0n is n0t en0ugh place t0 stuck in a car,
s0 we take bus t0 g0 there,
all the pr0cess just let it be,
the imp0rtant is,
thanks guy t0 let me hang up with y0u since i'm just the 0nly girl am0ng them,
is a g00d and enj0yable day f0r me~
c0llege friend is s0 funny,
i think i will started t0 c0mf0rt myself with c0llege life~
Jas0n,krueze,h0n kit,"itchy",and tan,
y0u all are really nice and funny guy,
nice t0 meet y0u all^^
2009年6月5日 星期五
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